

北京朝阳区大山子798艺术区B区11号高台阶厂库 灿艺术中心


  灿艺术中心(Can Art Center)位于北京798艺术区北区,总面积达1100平方米,具备不可多得的巨大空间和一流的展示效果,拥有主展区、VIP展厅、办公区、休息区等区域,集举行各种展览和活动的专业功能于一身,是798艺术区最具规模和最具重要地位的本土画廊之一。The Can Art Center is located in the north district of Beijing 798 Art Zone. With a total area of 1100 square meters, this gallery has a huge space and the first class exhibition effect. In this gallery, there are the main exhibition area, the VIP exhibition hall, the office area, the rest area, and so on, and the gallery has integrated functions of holding all kinds of exhibitions and activities, and it is one of the local galleries with the biggest scale and the most important status.   凭籍自主策划的传统优势,灿艺术中心以展览『中国当代•差异的格局』为序幕开业于2007年9月1日,是北京画廊业先驱李剑光先生创建的第二家现代艺术畫廊,它的前身为1992年成立的北京世纪艺苑美术中心(Century Art Center),是一家最早以专业方式运作的高品质画廊,该画廊在艰难的市场环境下成功代理了多位90年代重要和知名的杰出艺术家,并自那时以来举办了诸多重要的展览活动,为中国艺术市场迎来今天的繁荣局面做出了不可替代的贡献,直至今天不仅积累了大量的重要收藏,同时,也为新画廊的发展提供了很多珍贵的资源和十多年的成熟经验。Depending on its traditional advantage of planning by itself and with the exhibition of ''Contemporary China•Pattern of Discrepancy'' as the prelude of its business opening, the Can Art Center is the second modern art gallery founded by Li Jianguang, a pioneer of Beijing gallery circle, and the precursor of this gallery was the Beijing Century Art Center, established in 1992, which was the gallery operated the earliest in the professional way. In the hard market environment, this gallery had successfully deputized for many important and famous artists in 1990s, and, since then, had held a lot of important exhibition activities, and hence had made irreplaceable contributions for today's prosperous situation of China's art market. Till now, it has not only accumulated numerous important collections, but also provided a lot of precious resources and more than ten years’ matured experience for the development of the new gallery.   经过06年『中国油画15年1990——2005』的展览整理与回顾,世纪艺苑继续朝着推出卓越艺术家的方向努力,策划举办了关键『来自旷野的张力』、蒋丛忆『乱』、潘钺『恍若隔世』、赵光臣『未来之树』……颇受专业领域和市场肯定的艺术家个展,迄今执着的努力和创造,使今天的灿艺术中心吸引了更多当代最有价值的杰出艺术家,还不断聚集了最具发展潜力的艺术新人,构成了极具优势的代理、合作艺术家队伍,凭借着出色的专业素质、雄厚的资金实力和新颖的理念,灿艺术已经再一次赢得当代艺术同行、当代艺术爱好者与收藏者的高度认同和广泛关注。With the sorting and retrospection of the exhibition of “Fifteen Years of China’s Painting: 1990—2005” in 2006, the Century Art Center continued to work hard to push out excellent artists and planned and held “The Tension from the Wild—Solo Exhibition of Guan Jian”, “Chaos—Solo Exhibition of Female Painter Jiang Congyi”, ““As If Previous Generation—Photography Works Exhibition of Pan Yue” and “The Future Tree—Solo Exhibition of Zhao Guangchen”… The solo exhibitions of artists which were highly appreciated by the professionals and the market, as well as the continuous hard working and creations till today, all these make Can Art Center attract more most valuable contemporary artists, and, meanwhile, ceaselessly concentrate art new-comers with the biggest potential of development, so as to have formed the surrogate and cooperation artists group with huge advantages. Depending on outstanding professional quality, powerful strength of capital and novel concepts, the Can Art Center has again won the highly recognition and wide attention of the counterparts, lovers and collectors of contemporary arts.
