


《Open Books──艺术家与他们的中国册页》展览以中国传统艺术形式"册页"为主题,广邀中外当代艺术家进行创作,作品风格及主题皆各异其趣,展现了他们对中国册页的跨文化探索。

此展览为国际巡回展,第一站于2012年在英国威尔士国家图书馆,第二站于2013年在中国浙江三尚当代艺术馆,第三站、第四站于2014年分别在澳洲布里斯班Logan Regional Gallery及堪培拉新南威尔士大学Canberra Academy Library等展出。第五站将于2014年12月12日在香港中文大学文物馆开幕,第六站将于2016年在威尔士国家博物馆,其他更多巡展计划正在安排中。

In china, the folding-book has been a very common choice of display for painting and calligraphy, especially in literaty culture where the book has occupied pride of place for centuries.

Open Books-Artists and the Chinese Folding-books is an international travelling exhibition featuring Chinese folding-books. It explores the possibilities of a cross-cultural investigation of Chinese-style bound volumes made by visual artists from the West and China.

This internatioal exhibition was initially launched in 2012 at the National Library of Wales and then touring back at the Sanshang Contemporary Art Museum in Hangzhou as second stop, also has been exhibited at Logan Regional Gallery and Canberra Academy Library in Australia. It is coming to the fifth stop on the tour in the Art Museum of the Chinese University of HongKong,the opening ceremony will be holding on 12 Decembe. Before the exhibition moves to other destinations, the sixth one will be at Wales National Museum.
